Ryuichi Okayasu

Ryuichi Okayasu is serving as Pastor at KBF. He was born in Tokyo in a typical Japanese family and had very little exposure to Christianity until he went to the US for his graduate study in Oregon. He became a Christian in Oregon in his late twenties and has never regretted his decision. Ryuichi worked as a cancer researcher for over 30 years and met his wife Martha in Colorado. They have two adult children and two grandsons.  Upon retirement from a research institute in Chiba, he started an online Japanese seminary and completed the Pastoral Ministry program in 2019. He has served KBF in various capacities since 2002 including council member, Sunday school/small group leader, translator, among others. He appreciates KBF’s diverse congregation and loves connecting with people. He loves classical and jazz music; JS Bach is his favorite composer. He can be contacted at rokayasu@kbf.or.jp 


千葉の研究所を退職後、日本の神学校の通信教育課程に入学し2019年にその牧師志願科を卒業しました。KBFでは2002年以降、カウンシルメンバー、スモールグループリーダー、通訳者等さまざまな役割で奉仕してきました。KBFの多様な会衆、人々と繋がりを持つことが好きです。クラシックとジャズの音楽を愛し、好きな作曲家はJSバッハです。連絡先は rokayasu@kbf.or.jp です。